Sunday, 16 September 2012

The Intouchables, Olivier Nakache/Eric Toledano (Dir.)

The Intouchables is a daring French comedy from directors Olivier Nakache and Eric Toledano which adapts the true story of a wealthy quadriplegic Parisian (Francois Cluzet) who gives an ex-con (Omar Sy) a trial as his full time carer.

French comedy does not always translate well - despite exceptions like the hugely popular Amelie or Le Diner de Cons (which was re-wrote as the less funny Dinner For Schmucks) - and the fact that The Intouchables was described by the French press as a 'buddy comedy' did not help. To many this surely brings to mind lame cop flicks featuring the likes of Jackie Chan. However, the film's phenomenal success in France (it's box office takings are well over even The Artist's) could not be ignored, while the subject matter is extremely bold.

Having seen the film (even at the bizarre time of 11 am Sunday morning at a Picturehouse members-only showing) I can confirm that any hype surrounding this film is entirely warranted. The performances from the two leads are both terrifically funny and unerringly moving. Cluzet (who is an old hat on the French indie circuit) brings unfaltering pride and wit to the character of Philippe with a vulnerability that shows us a very real victim. Omar Sy's performances is contagiously funny, with a very ordinary (and may I see English) sense of human that will have you grinning whenever he opens his mouth. The two together are indeed a fantastic double act, but on a much more human level than the label of 'buddy comedy' would suggest.

The story is incredibly satisfying, and avoids any clichés that could very well have been implemented - suggesting that the real Philippe and 'Driss' were at least somewhat involved in the script. All in all, The Intouchables is arguably the best comedy of the year while also one of the most touching films you'll see in a while. If you want to laugh for a good two hours and come away with more than just 'Alan from The Hangover' quotes then this is for you.


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